
How To Add Blog Page To Site

Adding a blog to your website gives you the ability to create additional content about your company and its products or services. This new content increases the probability that users will find your content in search engine results. Masked subdomains are one way of adding a blog to your website. This approach involves creating a subdomain for your site and linking it to your blog. Another approach is to import the blog's exported posts into a new subfolder on your website.

Masked Subdomain

Log in to your blog's control panel and open the screen for customizing your blog theme. Write the CSS and HTML statements needed to change the theme to match the design of your business website. For example, if the banner on your website's home page shows your business logo, write an HTML tag such as the following at the top of the blog's landing page:

Read your blog's documentation for details on modifying themes.

Log in to your domain registrar's control panel and run the commands to create a masked subdomain, such as "". The masking enables visitors to see your website's name in their browser address bar instead of the blog's URL.

Use the control panel's subdomain configuration tools to assign the new subdomain to your blog's URL.

Use your Web page editor to add a new link to the site's navigation controls. Type the URL of your new subdomain inside the new link's href attribute. For example:

The Widgets Are Us Blog

Upload the revised pages to your Web server.

Import Blog Pages

Log in to your blog's control panel and use its export commands to download all of your blog posts.

Open one of the downloaded posts in your Web page editor and use the editor's tools to apply your website's theme to the post. Repeat this step for the remaining downloaded posts.

Open your website's control panel and run the panel's commands for creating a new folder under your site's root directory. Name the new folder "blog" or something similar.

Upload the modified blog pages to the new folder you just created on your website using your FTP utility. Download your website's pages using this same utility and use your Web page editor to insert navigation links to the blog's landing page. Upload the revised pages to your website.



  • Each method of adding a blog to your website has its own advantages and pitfalls. The subdomain approach lets you continue administering your blog posts through the blog's control panel. The import approach lets you use a single control panel -- the one for your website -- to administer website pages and blog posts.

Writer Bio

Darrin Koltow wrote about computer software until graphics programs reawakened his lifelong passion of becoming a master designer and draftsman. He has now committed to acquiring the training for a position designing characters, creatures and environments for video games, movies and other entertainment media.

How To Add Blog Page To Site


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